Thursday, March 3, 2011

Planning for the 15th Reunion

No, that's not a typo.  Thanks to Sheryl, we have the notes from their planning for the 15th Reunion.  Does anyone have pictures or recollections of the result to share?

A meeting for the purpose of planning for the 15th reunion of the IVHS class of 1961 was held at 8 PM on Feb. 28, 1976, at the home of Paul and Betty Gardner.  Betty called the meeting to order promptly at 8 PM.  Paul immediately suggested all business be tabled until some of the committee arrived.  The suggestion was accepted.

By 8:20 PM, all of the members had ceased their aimless wanderings around the Iowa countryside and had finally zeroed in on the Gardner home.  Those present were:  Mr. and Mrs. Gary Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Peshek, Mr. and Mrs. David Schafbuch, the aforementioned Gardners, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hogan, Mr. and Mrs. Al Cooperider, Judy Frimmel, Milt Gauger, and the biggest damn horse you ever saw!
The meeting got off to a rather slow start when Betty announced that class president Lowell Vogt was unable to attend because he said his wife was ill.  Mary D. finally left the room to use the john and was immediately and unanimously elected president pro  tem.  (Because of this action, no one else dared to leave the room while the meeting was in session.)

Sheryl then gave a most interesting and very complete list of the many places available for our class use in the city of Clarence.  They ranged from The Office Bar to the Methodist Church parlors.

Joan reported on the Ponderosa in Cedar Rapids.

A suggestion was presented on having a catered dinner at the Isaac Walton clubhouse in Iowa City with possibly a juke box or Rich Sherman’s band for music.

Dave Schafbuch then generously offered the use of his creek and cornfield.

It was about this time that acting class member Paul Gardner (who decided to transfer from Williamsburg High School Class of 1960 to IVHS ’61) suggested Sandersfields’ New Colony Village as he knew they planned to open by that time. 

Mary D. appointed Dave and Judy to go with her to check out the food and make necessary arrangements.  Dick P. moved to accept this.  It carried.

Discussion followed as to whether the last Saturday in July was the 25th or the 31st.  It was finally suggested that Betty check the calendar.  Our reunion will be July 31st.

A suggestion was made that minutes be kept for this meeting.  Since Sheryl was the only one with a piece of paper, Mary D. appointed her secretary pro tem.

Albert was appointed to serve as MC for our reunion.

Mary D. will send post cards to all class members and request a deposit by July 1.  The cocktail hour will be from 6 – 7, with dinner at 7.  Reservations are to be sent to Mary D.

David began to feel a little uncomfortable, so he moved to adjourn.  Sensing his plight, the others ignored the motion and began to discuss appropriate attire for the reunion.  Betty, out of concern for her sofa, finally seconded the motion.  It carried, and David rushed out.

Refreshments were then served, after which no one could really remember what took place, but we all hoped we would not run into Patrolman Gary Cooney on the way home.

Respectfully submitted,

Sheryl Cooperider

Secretary Pro Tem

Sophomore Class Pictures

Thanks to Len Matthias, here we are in the 1959 Tiger.  Again, you can see a larger version of the picture and read the names by clicking on the picture and then clicking on it again.

If you have pictures you would like to share with us, please let us know!