Tuesday, July 13, 2010

1961 Class Members List

Our class roster includes those who were with us for several years even if they moved before graduation.  We've drawn on the list from our diplomas, the recent Marengo Sesquicentennial History Books and our memories.  Please let us know if we missed you, should not have added you, or mangled your name.

Iowa Valley High School Class of 1961

Don Beardshear
Shirley Becker
Elaine Blount
Jim Byram *
Russell Conn
Gary Cooney
Albert Cooperider
Terry Cronbaugh *
Elaine Dimmer *
Jerry Elick
Joan Frederickson
James Freeze
Linda Gates
Evan Gerard
Carol Ann Griffin
Marjorie Hartmann
Robert Hawkins *
Karmen Heller
Sheryl Hibbs
Richard Hinkle
Richard Hogan
Marjorie Kennell *
Claudia Kenney
David Kinsey
Betty Lou Klein
Richard Kummer
Ronald Langlas
Audrey Lillie
Donna Lininger
Gary Martin
Leonard Matthias
Wayne Messer
LaVerne Murphy *
George Myers
Larry Olson *
Richard Peshek
Susan Punke
Judith Rathjen
David Schafbuch
Earlene Schafbuch
Carl Schumacher
Cherisi Schumacher
Pamela Simmons
Darold Slaymaker
LeRoy Slaymaker
Kathleen Smith
Robert Smith *
Stanley Smith
Joan Stoddard
De Storck
Lowell Vogt *
Mary D. Vogt
Cynthia Walton
Rancy Watkins
Sharon Wilkinson
Sherry Dell Wilson

* Deceased

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Class Picture from 1952!

Thanks to Jerry Elick, we have a picture of our class from 1952.  Which would be 3rd or 4th grade!  We don't have the names for these - can you help?

(Click on the picture and then click on it again to see the large version.)

Friday, July 9, 2010

Junior Class Pictures

Another quiz for our class.  Can you put names with these faces?  Thanks again to Evan we have some pictures from when we were juniors.

And to prove we didn't spend all our time posing for pictures - a couple of candid pictures from class sessions.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Past Reunion Pictures - See Our Reunions Page

We are starting to assemble pictures and recollections from earlier get-togethers.  Currently you can see the 25th and 30th anniversary reunions on our Reunions page.  (That's also the 25th picture here on the left.)

And please let us know if you have some we can add.  You can use the comment form below to contact us.  .

Note:  In the comments form where it asks for your profile, you can choose anonymous and include your name in the comment.  You can also choose Name/URL as your profile and just fill in the Name part.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Past Class Pictures - 6th Grade and Senior Class Pictures

Thanks to Evan, we have copies of some of our class pictures!  First, some of us in 6th grade (1954-1955 if my math is correct) along with some members of that years 5th grade class.  This was when we had Miss Heiberger as our teacher.  Can you identify everyone?

And this is the senior class picture.  No points for identifying people in this one.  Although the labels were blurry by the time I blew them up enough to read!

For both of these pictures you can click on the picture to see a larger version by itself and then click again to zoom in.

Does anyone have additional class pictures or reunion pictures they could share?   We would like to include them.  Thanks for your help.