Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Past Reunion Pictures - See Our Reunions Page

We are starting to assemble pictures and recollections from earlier get-togethers.  Currently you can see the 25th and 30th anniversary reunions on our Reunions page.  (That's also the 25th picture here on the left.)

And please let us know if you have some we can add.  You can use the comment form below to contact us.  .

Note:  In the comments form where it asks for your profile, you can choose anonymous and include your name in the comment.  You can also choose Name/URL as your profile and just fill in the Name part.


  1. I am looking for Ronnie Langlas, cousin Mel Carney

  2. Hi Mel,

    We will be glad to help you contact Ron. Just add some contact information here or send it to me at wrmesser[at]gmail[dot]com so we can reach you with his email.
