Tuesday, July 13, 2010

1961 Class Members List

Our class roster includes those who were with us for several years even if they moved before graduation.  We've drawn on the list from our diplomas, the recent Marengo Sesquicentennial History Books and our memories.  Please let us know if we missed you, should not have added you, or mangled your name.

Iowa Valley High School Class of 1961

Don Beardshear
Shirley Becker
Elaine Blount
Jim Byram *
Russell Conn
Gary Cooney
Albert Cooperider
Terry Cronbaugh *
Elaine Dimmer *
Jerry Elick
Joan Frederickson
James Freeze
Linda Gates
Evan Gerard
Carol Ann Griffin
Marjorie Hartmann
Robert Hawkins *
Karmen Heller
Sheryl Hibbs
Richard Hinkle
Richard Hogan
Marjorie Kennell *
Claudia Kenney
David Kinsey
Betty Lou Klein
Richard Kummer
Ronald Langlas
Audrey Lillie
Donna Lininger
Gary Martin
Leonard Matthias
Wayne Messer
LaVerne Murphy *
George Myers
Larry Olson *
Richard Peshek
Susan Punke
Judith Rathjen
David Schafbuch
Earlene Schafbuch
Carl Schumacher
Cherisi Schumacher
Pamela Simmons
Darold Slaymaker
LeRoy Slaymaker
Kathleen Smith
Robert Smith *
Stanley Smith
Joan Stoddard
De Storck
Lowell Vogt *
Mary D. Vogt
Cynthia Walton
Rancy Watkins
Sharon Wilkinson
Sherry Dell Wilson

* Deceased


  1. Remember, the first classmate to post a comment will get a prize, provided by Evan, at the reunion. Come on..... come on.....be the

  2. So MaryD, were you the first to comment? If not, it looks like no one wants a prize. And BTW, its a prize "presented" by yours truly.

  3. Oh, Evan, I humbly accept the prize. Hopefully it is the one you mentioned. I like Amber Schild. If we can't get anyone else to comment I suppose we will just have to keep bantering among ourselves!
    We could probably consider a prize for 2nd place.

  4. Ok, people, it is time to start commenting. We need some input. Such as...any remembrances of those who have passed away. What will we do to honor them at the reunion? We'd like to do some type of class project for the city of Marengo...Any suggestions....from the Class....
    Right now, this is the plan: Friday, July 1, 2011, Anyone who is in town and wants to meet at Phat Daddy's for drinks and something to eat (this could also be held at a person's house here in town - still thinking about that). Saturday, July 2nd: Hopefully some tours, i.e. school, hospital, library, Gateway Park - give us YOUR ideas and then our reunion dinner that evening at the Ox Yoke in Amana and they have assured me that the bar will remain open late. Sunday July 3rd: This is the day of the Marengo 4th of July celebration and there is lots going on in town - food booths, car show, etc. If there is enough interest we can get together as a group and go somewhere for brunch also. Monday the 4th, if people are still around; all the surrounding communities, i.e. Williamsburg, etc. have their 4th celebrations.
    Please, please, post on this site any ideas, any changes or additions you would like to see. Let's get some conversation going so we have solid plans. And please, a word of thanks Wayne for all his hard work with this site. to Thanks, M.D.

  5. Wayne,I really enjoy this website you have created! I am looking forward to more updated now pictures I also want to thany Mary D. for keeping us informed. I also look forward to comments from ALL my former classmates. Len Matthias

  6. We are going to have excellent attendance at the reunion in July. I think it will be a great time!
    If you have not sent a picture or bio, now is the time to do so. If you have any questions about how to post, check with Wayne or me please.
