Saturday, July 30, 2011

50th Reunion Picture Published

The latest issue (July 28, 2011) of the Pioneer-Republican has the group picture taken outside before the 50th Reunion at the Ox Yoke Inn.  Thank you Mary D. for arranging this and thank you Dianne Kinzenbaw for taking this great picture!
You can see a larger version of the picture by clicking on it and then clicking on the picture again.


  1. Hey, what a good looking bunch of people! Joan Stoddard's name was misspelled as Stoddart in the by line of the picture but we all know who she is! I am so glad we were able to get a good picture & wish C.A. would have been in the picture!!

  2. Finally dawned on me today where our class motto came from. Theodore Roosevelt. Who in our class came up with that, does anyone remember?
