Thursday, July 21, 2011

Reunion Program - July 2, 2011

Thanks to Mary D. and to Evan, our Master of Ceremonies, our dinner was followed by reminisces and memories from several of our classmates.  Evan provided a humorous overview and a special trivia quiz.

Gary Cooney reminded us of the sports accomplishments of the Class of 1961.  Among these were being co-winners of the football conference, Gary winning the State 50 yard dash, and Jim Freeze placing in the shot put at State.

Claudia had prepared memorials for the classmates who have passed away and shared them with us.

Lenny provided a salute to our classmates who have served in the military.  There have been ten who served in the different services.

Sheryl and Rich lead us in singing the Iowa Valley/Marengo Fight Song and then our class song - with updated lyrics!  My apologies to both of them; I was busy singing along and missed getting a picture of them.  Did anyone get a picture we can use here?

Thank you to everyone for a great evening!  It was a great program and a great reunion!

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