Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Reunion Trivia Quiz

For the reunion program, Evan created a trivia quiz. The questions are shown  in the picture to the left.  Many of the answers came during the program.  For those that did not or those you missed hearing, you can see the trivia quiz with the answers here.

1 comment:

  1. Great job on the quiz, Evan! We did fairly well on it. We have a couple of additions to the ? areas - Rich also worked at the Me Too, and my mom, Helen, was a den mother. Rich got his hair cut at Colson's when he was a little boy, and he remembers another big fight behind the Candy Kitchen. He and Jim Freeze took on Bill Becker and Buzzard Zahrt in a rock throwing event! The winner was not determined since Rich and Jim decided to run off! They were the fastest runners, which probably saved their butts!
    Rich and Sheryl Peshek
